Public Notice

Asbestos ManagementSTEP UP engages in a continuous asbestos surveillance program to ensure that there are no asbestos problems or danger to students, staff and visitors.  A copy of our asbestos management plan is available for review at the school business office.

Resumes Resume information for all instructional staff is available in the office.
Free and Reduced Lunch Free and reduced lunch forms will be sent home at Open House or during the first of each school year.
Special Education Law Please check weekly Newsletter for updates and more information regarding your rights and policies for Special Ed.
Special Education Policies and Procedures STEP UP Special Education Policies and Procedures are available for review. If you wish to review them, you may inquire in the office.
Special Education Procedural Safeguards These can be read at:
Parents Rights – English
Parents Rights – Spanish
Child Find STEP UP will ensure that all children with disabilities attending STEP UP, including children with disabilities who are homeless or wards of the State, and children with disabilities attending private schools or who are home schooled, and who are in need of special education and related services are identified, located and evaluated (¤300.111).
Board of Directors Meeting Board of Directors meetings are generally held the 2nd Thursday every other month, and per open meeting law. Meeting agenda is posted on the wall in the hallway.
F.E.R.P.A. Per F.E.R.P.A. requirements, parents have rights to their student’s records and files. Please contact the school with any questions or requests.
Equal Employment/Enrollment Opportunities STEP UP provides equal opportunity to all employees and enrolled students and is not biased regarding race, gender, ethnicity, religion, language proficiency or disability.
Open Enrollment STEP UP ensures that it complies with all open enrollment requirements per state law. STEP UP uses a lottery system for filling openings and no tuition is required.
Political Activities STEP UP ensures that it does not use its forum or student base to promote any political activities or position.
Asbestos Management STEP UP engages in a continuous asbestos surveillance program to ensure that there are no asbestos problems or danger to students, staff and visitors.  A copy of our asbestos management plan is available for review at the school business office.
Annual Financial Report Please click here to access Step Up School’s Annual Financial Report on the Arizona Department of Education website and select Step Up Schools Inc from the drop down menu.